Victims identified in Charlotte County shooting: Tragic incident shocks community The quiet community of Charlotte County, located in the heart of Florida, was shaken...
Babcock Ranch: Introducing Housing Solutions Amidst Peak Prices As the housing market continues to experience unprecedented price hikes, finding affordable housing has become a...
Bonnet-Wearing Man Steals Baby Formula from Publix: A Startling Crime that Shakes the Community Supermarkets are usually considered safe havens, bustling with shoppers searching...
Calls for School Board Member Chris Patricca to Resign The recent controversies surrounding School Board member Chris Patricca have sparked a growing demand for...
Lee Health Hospitals Near Peak Capacity: A Crisis in Southwest Florida As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its relentless march across the globe, hospitals around...
Understanding Drug Addiction in the Older LGBTQ Community: Raising Awareness and Providing Support Drug addiction is a pervasive problem that affects millions of individuals...
SWFL Eagle Cam: Bringing Awareness to Proper Fishing Material Disposal Introduction: Have you ever stopped to think about what happens to those tangled fishing...
Grandmother wants answers; unaccompanied 6-year-old put on wrong flight It was a day of chaos and confusion at the bustling international airport when a...
The Evaluation of Lee Health’s Transition to Private Non-Profit Status Lee Health, a prominent healthcare organization serving Southwest Florida, is currently considering a transition...
Man Calls 911 During Chase, Asks for Trump: A Bizarre Incident Tangles Politics with Emergency Imagine a high-speed police chase unfolding on a quiet...