Sept. 11, 2001, cast a long shadow over American history, marking a day that resonates deeply within the national consciousness. An unprecedented act of...
Shooting in North Fort Myers neighborhood leaves one injured, disturbing the otherwise serene atmosphere of this tight-knit community. The Lee County Sheriff’s Office is...
Strangest Items Left in Hotel Rooms: Surprising Findings from has released a “Hotel Room Innsights Report” that reveals the most common and...
Indiana Pair Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Bronze Veteran Burial Markers Two people are facing charges in Indiana in connection with a series of thefts...
Michael Gargiulo, a serial killer infamously known as the “Hollywood Ripper” and the “Boy Next Door Killer,” has been extradited to Illinois. This significant...
LABELLE, Fla. — Two lives were tragically lost following a devastating crash on Friday afternoon in Hendry County, a stark reminder of the fragility...
Pakistani Man Arrested for Alleged Plot to Attack Jewish Center in NYC An alleged would-be terrorist was arrested in Canada on Wednesday, accused of...
Billion-dollar expansion approved for Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW). This ambitious project brings a sense of excitement and anticipation to Fort Myers and the...
Las Vegas woman arrested after stealing casket with body inside, police report that a shocking sequence of events unfolded in their jurisdiction. Patricia Sierra,...
One person’s in custody following Naples barricading incident that left a community shaken yet relieved. A man was apprehended on Friday after barricading himself...
PUNTA GORDA, Fla. — Former Bruce Laishley employee Kristina Parrish has been arrested for allegedly stealing over $200,000 from Laishley USA, a prominent real...
4 Things to Do in Southwest Florida This Weekend, September 6–8! For those craving vibrant experiences, Fox4 highlights “4” captivating events that resonate with...
CAPE CORAL, Fla. — Speed detection systems are receiving enthusiastic approval from both parents and police as city officials work towards implementing this innovative...
The Venezuelan gang’s alleged takeover of Aurora, Colorado apartments began in 2023, revealing a disturbing trend that has captured the attention of both locals...
Port Charlotte High School sophomore Angellique Nichols is facing a challenging road to recovery after suffering a fractured pelvis and wrist when she was...